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Dec 6, 2023 - DataverseThe photomechanical effect in amorphous azo polymers

Konieczkowska, Jolanta, 2023, "Efficient photomechanical effect in 'side-chain' azo polyimides with low content of chromophore",, RepOD, V1

Nov 22, 2023
This dataverse contains chemical data on obtaining and characterization of poly(2-oxazoline)s conjugated with chelating compounds for the selective entrapment of ions from the bacterial cell membranes. Data include synthesis of modified 2-oxazoline copolymers, conjugation of 2-ox...
Oct 26, 2023 - DataverseThe photomechanical effect in amorphous azo polymers

Konieczkowska, Jolanta, 2023, "Kinetics of the dark cis-trans isomerization of azobenzene and azopyridine derivatives in ethanol and chloroform solutions",, RepOD, V1

Oct 25, 2023 - DataverseThe photomechanical effect in amorphous azo polymers

Konieczkowska, Jolanta, 2023, "Comprehensive investigations of trans-cis-trans isomerization in the solid state for azo polyimides",, RepOD, V1

Feb 2, 2023
This collection contains the results of studies on the preparation of injectable gels, as a carriers of model IgG antibody, based on thermoresponsible, degradable and commercially available block copolymers of ethylene glycol and esters. The aim of the study was to develop and op...
Jan 27, 2023 - DataverseNovel Green Polymeric Materials for Medical Packaging and Disposables to Improve Hospital Sustainability

Domiński, Adrian, 2023, "Research data for the publication 'Co-delivery of 8-hydroxyquinoline and doxorubicin by supramolecular hydrogel based on α-cyclodextrin and pH-responsive micelles for enhanced tumor treatment'",, RepOD, V1

Jan 27, 2023 - DataverseNovel Green Polymeric Materials for Medical Packaging and Disposables to Improve Hospital Sustainability

Martinka Maksymiak, Magda, 2023, "Research data for the publication 'Bioactive (co)oligoesters as potential delivery systems of p-anisic acid for cosmetic purposes'",, RepOD, V1

Jan 20, 2023 - DataverseNovel Green Polymeric Materials for Medical Packaging and Disposables to Improve Hospital Sustainability

Kowalczuk, Marek, 2023, "Research data for the publication 'Effective control against broadleaf weed species provided by biodegradable PBAT/PLA mulch film embedded with the herbicide 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA)'",, RepOD, V1

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