
Once you’re in production, you’ll want to set up some monitoring. This page may serve as a starting point for you but you are encouraged to share your ideas with the Dataverse community!

Operating System Monitoring

In production you’ll want to monitor the usual suspects such as CPU, memory, free disk space, etc. There are a variety of tools in this space but we’ll highlight Munin in next section because it’s relatively easy to set up.

Munin says, “A default installation provides a lot of graphs with almost no work.” From RHEL or CentOS 7, you can try the following steps.

Enable the EPEL yum repo (if you haven’t already):

yum install

Install Munin:

yum install munin

Start Munin:

systemctl start munin-node.service

Configure Munin to start at boot:

systemctl enable munin-node.service

Create a username/password (i.e. “admin” for both):

htpasswd /etc/munin/munin-htpasswd admin

Assuming you are fronting Glassfish with Apache, prevent Apache from proxying “/munin” traffic to Glassfish by adding the following line to your Apache config:

ProxyPassMatch ^/munin !

Then reload Apache to pick up the config change:

systemctl reload httpd.service

Test auth for the web interface:

curl http://localhost/munin/ -u admin:admin

At this point, graphs should start being generated for disk, network, processes, system, etc.

HTTP Traffic

HTTP traffic can be monitored from the client side, the server side, or both.

Monitoring HTTP Traffic from the Client Side

HTTP traffic for web clients that have cookies enabled (most browsers) can be tracked by Google Analytics ( and Matomo (formerly “Piwik”; as explained in the Web Analytics Code section of the Installation Guide.

To track analytics beyond pageviews, style classes have been added for end user action buttons, which include:

btn-compute, btn-contact, btn-download, btn-explore, btn-export, btn-preview, btn-request, btn-share

Monitoring HTTP Traffic from the Server Side

There are a wide variety of solutions available for monitoring HTTP traffic from the server side. The following are merely suggestions and a pull request against what is written here to add additional ideas is certainly welcome! Are you excited about the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana)? The TICK stack (Telegraph InfluxDB Chronograph and Kapacitor)? GoAccess? Prometheus? Graphite? Splunk? Please consider sharing your work with the Dataverse community!


AWStats is a venerable tool for monitoring web traffic based on Apache access logs. On RHEL/CentOS 7, you can try the following steps.

Enable the EPEL yum repo:

yum install

Install AWStats:

yum install awstats

Assuming you are using HTTPS rather than HTTP (and you should!), edit /etc/awstats/awstats.standalone.conf and change LogFile="/var/log/httpd/access_log" to LogFile="/var/log/httpd/ssl_access_log". In the same file, change LogFormat=1 to LogFormat=4. Make both of these changes (LogFile and LogFormat in /etc/awstats/awstats.localhost.localdomain.conf as well.

Process the logs:

/usr/share/awstats/tools/ now

Please note that load balancers (such as Amazon’s ELB) might interfer with the LogFormat. To start troubleshooting errors such as AWStats did not find any valid log lines that match your LogFormat parameter, you might need to bump up the value of NbOfLinesForCorruptedLog in the config files and re-try while you interate on your Apache and AWStats config.

Please note that the Dataverse team has attempted to parse Glassfish logs using AWStats but it didn’t seem to just work and posts have been made at and that can be followed up on some day.

Database Connection Pool used by Glassfish contains some information on enabling monitoring of Glassfish, which is disabled by default. It’s a TODO to document what to do here if there is sufficient interest.


There is a database table called actionlogrecord that captures events that may be of interest. See for more discussion around this table.

Edit Draft Versions Logging

Changes made to draft versions of datasets are logged in a folder called logs/edit-drafts. See for more information on this logging.

EJB Timers

Should you be interested in monitoring the EJB timers, this script may be used as an example:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# example monitoring script for EBJ timers.
# currently assumes that there are two timers
# real monitoring commands should replace the echo statements for production use

r0=`curl -s http://localhost:8080/ejb-timer-service-app/timer`

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
	echo "alert - no timer service" # put real alert command here

r1=`echo $r0 | grep -c "There are 2 active persistent timers on this container"`

if [ "1" -ne "$r1" ]; then
	echo "alert - no active timers" # put real alert command here