Installation Guide¶
- Introduction
- Preparation
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Configuration
- Securing Your Installation
- Network Ports
- Root Dataverse Permissions
- Persistent Identifiers and Publishing Datasets
- Auth Modes: Local vs. Remote vs. Both
- File Storage: Local Filesystem vs. S3
- Branding Your Installation
- Web Analytics Code
- DuraCloud/Chronopolis Integration
- Going Live: Launching Your Production Deployment
- File Settings
- SiteUrl
- RserveConfigured
- RserveHost
- RservePort
- RserveUser
- RserveTempDir
- RservePassword
- DropboxKey
- DoiBaseUrlString
- DoiUsername
- DoiPassword
- HandleNetAdmCredFile
- HandleNetAdmPrivPhrase
- HandleNetIndex
- TimerServer
- HideSchemaDotOrgDownloadUrls
- MinutesUntilPasswordResetTokenExpires
- BlockedApiPolicy
- BlockedApiEndpoints
- SearchApiRequiresToken
- SystemEmail
- HomePageCustomizationFile
- LogoCustomizationFile
- HeaderCustomizationFile
- DisableRootDataverseTheme
- FooterCustomizationFile
- StyleCustomizationFile
- WebAnalyticsCode
- DoiProvider
- Protocol
- Authority
- Shoulder
- IdentifierGenerationStyle
- DataFilePIDFormat
- FilePIDsEnabled
- IndependentHandleService
- ApplicationTermsOfUse
- ApiTermsOfUse
- ExcludeEmailFromExport
- GuidesBaseUrl
- GuidesVersion
- MetricsUrl
- MaxFileUploadSizeInBytes
- ZipDownloadLimit
- TabularIngestSizeLimit
- ZipUploadFilesLimit
- SolrHostColonPort
- SolrFullTextIndexing
- SolrMaxFileSizeForFullTextIndexing
- SignUpUrl
- GeoconnectCreateEditMaps
- GeoconnectViewMaps
- DatasetPublishPopupCustomTextOnAllVersions
- ScrubMigrationData
- MinutesUntilConfirmEmailTokenExpires
- DefaultAuthProvider
- AllowSignUp
- FileFixityChecksumAlgorithm
- PVMinLength
- PVMaxLength
- PVNumberOfConsecutiveDigitsAllowed
- PVCharacterRules
- PVNumberOfCharacteristics
- PVGoodStrength
- ShibPassiveLoginEnabled
- ShibAttributeCharacterSetConversionEnabled
- PublicInstall
- UploadMethods
- DownloadMethods
- GuestbookResponsesPageDisplayLimit
- CustomDatasetSummaryFields
- AllowApiTokenLookupViaApi
- ProvCollectionEnabled
- MetricsCacheTimeoutMinutes
- Languages
- InheritParentRoleAssignments
- DefaultDateFormat
- AllRightsReservedTermsOfUseActive
- RestrictedAccessTermsOfUseActive
- OAIServerEnabled
- Debug
- SearchApiNonPublicAllowed
- PIDAsynchRegFileCount
- SiteName
- SiteFullName
- MaximumEmbargoLength
- ShowPrivacyPolicyFooterLink
- ShowTermsOfUseFooterLink
- BlockedApiKey
- BuiltinUsers.KEY
- FooterCopyright
- ApplicationPrivacyPolicyUrl
- NavbarAboutUrl
- NavbarSupportUrl
- StatusMessageHeader
- StatusMessageText
- DatasetPublishPopupCustomText
- SearchHighlightFragmentSize
- PVDictionaries
- PVCustomPasswordResetAlertMessage
- DataCaptureModuleUrl
- RepositoryStorageAbstractionLayerUrl
- JVM Options
- Upgrading
- TwoRavens
- Geoconnect
- Shibboleth
- Introduction
- Installation
- Configure Glassfish
- Configure Apache
- Configure Shibboleth
- Disable or Reconfigure SELinux
- Restart Apache and Shibboleth
- Configure Apache and shibd to Start at Boot
- Verify DiscoFeed and Metadata URLs
- Add the Shibboleth Authentication Provider to Dataverse
- Exchange Metadata with Your Identity Provider
- Backup sp-cert.pem and sp-key.pem Files
- Debugging
- Converting Accounts
- Institution-Wide Shibboleth Groups
- OAuth Login: ORCID, GitHub, Google
- External Tools
- Advanced Installation