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Apr 24, 2024

Lewandowski, Rafał Bogdan, 2024, "The HOCl dry fog – is it safe for human cells? – dataset",, RepOD, V1

Sep 6, 2023

Węgrzyński, Łukasz, 2023, "Measured data of spectral distributions and images of Xe-He laser plasma recorded with a CCD camera.",, RepOD, V1

Jul 6, 2023

Urbańska Magdalena, 2023, "Optimization of separation liquid crystalline racemic mixtures on chiral columns by high performance liquid chromatography",, RepOD, V1

May 10, 2023

Opyrchał, Leszek, 2022, "The uncertainty of the calculative value of the volumetric flow rate in open canals",, RepOD, V3

Feb 14, 2023

Betkier, Igor, 2023, "Analysis of the route safety of abnormal vehicle from the perspective of traffic parameters and infrastructure characteristics with the use of web technologies and machine learning",, RepOD, V1

Sep 29, 2022

Opyrchał, Leszek, 2022, "Measurements of piezometers water level in periods 2008-2015 and 2017-20190",, RepOD, V2

Sep 7, 2022 - DataversePolariton Laboratory

Muszyński, Marcin; Szczytko, Jacek; Piętka, Barbara; Król, Mateusz; Rechcińska, Katarzyna; Oliwa, Przemysław; Kędziora, Mateusz; Łempicka-Mirek, Karolina; Mazur, Rafał; Morawiak, Przemysław; Piecek, Wiktor; Kula, Przemysław; Lagoudakis, Pavlos G., 2022, "Data for: Realizing Persistent-Spin-Helix Lasing in the Regime of Rashba-Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Coupling in a Dye-Filled Liquid-Crystal Optical Microcavity",, RepOD, V1

Jul 22, 2022 - DataversePolariton Laboratory

Łempicka-Mirek Karolina; Piętka Barbara; Szczytko Jacek; Król Mateusz; Sigurdsson Helgi; Wincukiewicz Adam; Morawiak Przemysław; Mazur Rafał; Muszyński Marcin; Piecek Wiktor; Kula Przemysław; Stefaniuk Tomasz; Kamińska Maria; De Marco Luisa; Lagoudakis Pavlos G.; Ballarini Dario; Sanvitto Daniele, 2022, "Electrically tunable Berry curvature and strong light-matter coupling in liquid crystal microcavities with 2D perovskite",, RepOD, V1

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