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Mar 26, 2024

Kowaluk, Grzegorz, 2024, "Carbon Capture and Storage through Upcycling of Suberinic Acid Residues in Wood Composites Finishing",, RepOD, V1

Nov 20, 2023

Witkowska Piłaszewicz, Olga, 2023, "Raw data to article: Are proteins such as MMP2, IGF1, IL-13, and IL-1ra valuable as fitness markers in racehorses during exercise?",, RepOD, V3

Sep 19, 2023

Kowaluk, Grzegorz; Gumowska, Aneta, 2023, "Data for publication: The potential of utilization of birch bark suberinic acid residues as a component of the adhesive mass for bonding of wood composites",, RepOD, V1

Sep 19, 2023

Kowaluk, Grzegorz, 2023, "Data for publication: Post-extraction birch bark residues as a potential binder in particleboards",, RepOD, V1

Sep 19, 2023

Kowaluk, Grzegorz, 2023, "Data for publication: Influence of upcycled post-treatment bark biomass addition to the binder on produced plywood properties",, RepOD, V1

Sep 18, 2023

Witkowska Piłaszewicz, Olga, 2023, "Raw data to article: Exercise-related changes in the anabolic index (testosterone to cortisol ratio) and serum amyloid A concentration in endurance and racehorses at different fitness levels",, RepOD, V1

Jun 24, 2023

Wachowicz, Joanna, 2023, "Application of U-FAST Technology in Sintering of Submicron WC-Co Carbides",, RepOD, V1

Mar 30, 2023

Michel, Magdalena, 2023, "Significance of MnO2 type and solution parameters in manganese removal from water solution",, RepOD, V1

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