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Jan 16, 2018

Stępniak, Marcin; Goliszek, Sławomir; Wiśniewski, Rafał, 2017, "Atlas dostępności do usług publicznych", https://doi.org/10.18150/repod.1702801, RepOD, V1

Jan 16, 2018

Fechner, Ireneusz, 2016, "Powierzchnie magazynowe w Polsce w latach 2013 - 2015", https://doi.org/10.18150/repod.4693771, RepOD, V1

Nov 23, 2017

Odzimek, Anna; Kubicki, Marek; Barański, Piotr; Jasinkiewicz, Danuta, 2017, "Nimbostratus cloud cases at Geophysical Observatory IG PAS in Swider in 2005-2015", https://doi.org/10.18150/repod.2362097, RepOD, V1

Nov 23, 2017

Odzimek, Anna; Kubicki, Marek; Barański, Piotr; Jasinkiewicz, Danuta, 2017, "Stratus cloud cases at Geophysical Observatory IG PAS in Swider in 2005-2015", https://doi.org/10.18150/repod.8954639, RepOD, V1

Nov 22, 2017

Kozlowski, Lukasz; Bujnicki, Janusz, 2017, "The data from GeneSilico MetaServer for CASP6 (2004) targets", https://doi.org/10.18150/repod.8369345, RepOD, V1

Nov 22, 2017

Kozlowski, Lukasz; Bujnicki, Janusz, 2017, "The data from GeneSilico MetaServer for CASP12 (2016) targets", https://doi.org/10.18150/repod.6223601, RepOD, V1

Nov 22, 2017

Kozlowski, Lukasz; Bujnicki, Janusz, 2017, "The data from GeneSilico MetaServer for CASP11 (2014) targets", https://doi.org/10.18150/repod.3593123, RepOD, V1

Nov 22, 2017

Kozlowski, Lukasz; Bujnicki, Janusz, 2017, "The data from GeneSilico MetaServer for CASP9 (2010) targets", https://doi.org/10.18150/repod.3462795, RepOD, V1

Nov 22, 2017

Kozlowski, Lukasz; Bujnicki, Janusz, 2017, "The data from GeneSilico MetaServer for CASP8 (2008) targets", https://doi.org/10.18150/repod.5168671, RepOD, V1

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