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Nov 22, 2023 - DataverseSystems of modified poly(2-oxazoline)s for the selective entrapment of ions from the bacterial cell membranes - a new approach to antibacterial polymers
Oleszko-Torbus, Natalia, 2023, "Аmino modified 2-oxazoline copolymers for complexation with DNA",, RepOD, V1 |
Nov 22, 2023
This dataverse contains chemical data on obtaining and characterization of poly(2-oxazoline)s conjugated with chelating compounds for the selective entrapment of ions from the bacterial cell membranes. Data include synthesis of modified 2-oxazoline copolymers, conjugation of 2-ox... |
Dec 10, 2021 - DataverseAggregation of thermosensitive polymers in solutions containing substances of physiological importance
Otulakowski, Łukasz, 2021, "Agregacja termoczułych polimerów w roztworach zawierających substancje o znaczeniu fizjologicznym",, RepOD, V3 |
Sep 17, 2021
The main goal of the project is to conduct research on the aggregation of a thermosensitive copolymer that can be used to obtain nanoparticles that can transport medicinal substances. A random copolymer of oligoethylene glycol methyl ether methacrylate and 2-hydroxyethyl methacry... |