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Schmidt, Marcin, 2022, "Microbiota of melanoma patients treated with immunotherapy", https://doi.org/10.18150/6F2OSE, RepOD, V2
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Next-generation sequencing (NGS) data of V3-V4 16S rDNA fragment amplicons of (metadata - column 'Source') total fecal microbiota ('stool'), fecal SIgA fraction ('Ig-bound'), and plasma ('plasma') of melanoma patients treated with: anti-PD-1 immunotherapy (metadata - 'ICI' in column 'Group') or experimental genetically modified melanoma vaccine (metadata - 'GMV' in column 'Group'), and control group (metadata - 'C' in column 'Group'). The samples were colected before implementation of therapy (metadata - '0' in column 'Stage') and at 6th to 12th day after vaccine infusion (metadata - '1' in column 'Stage' for GMV treated patients) or after PD1 checkpoint inhibitor infusion - 3 months (metadata - '1' in column 'Stage' for ICI treated patients), 6 months (metadata - '2' in column 'Stage' for ICI treated patients), 9 months (metadata - '3' in column 'Stage' for ICI treated patients), and 12 months (metadata - '4' in column 'Stage' for ICI treated patients). The ICI patients were evaluated for response to the treatment: responding (metadata - 'R' in column 'Response') and non-responding (metadata - 'NR' in column 'Response'). Missing data was described with 'NA'.
melanoma, microbiota, immunotherapy
Drymel, B., Tomela, K., Galus, Ł., Olejnik-Schmidt, A., Mackiewicz. J., Kaczmarek, M., Mackiewicz, A., Schmidt, M. Circulating Cell-Free Microbial DNA Signatures and Plasma Soluble CD14 Level Are Associated with Clinical Outcomes of Anti-PD-1 Therapy in Advanced Melanoma Patients. International Journal of Molecular Scienses, Volume 25, Issue 23 https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/25/23/12982 doi: 10.3390/ijms252312982
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