1. General information
The file includes the data presented in the manuscript entitled "Morningness-eveningness and mental health: The moderating role of mattering and anti-mattering". In the study, we evaluated how eveningness relates to mattering and anti-mattering and whether mattering and anti-mattering can moderate the association between eveningness and mental health.
PI: Joanna Gorgol
Nicolaus Copernicus Univeristy in Torun, Poland
Institute of Psychology, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland
Date of data collection: 2023
Information about geographic location of data collection: Poland
Keywords: morningness-eveningness, mattering, anti-mattering, mental health, anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms, polish adaptation
Funding: The present study was supported by the National Science Centre in Poland under grant no. 2021/41/N/HS6/01903 awarded to Joanna Gorgol.
2. Data and file overview
Data Gorgol et al., 2024_antiMat.csv: the files contain the results of the questionnaire research.
Date that the file was created: March 2024
3. Sharing and access information
License: CC BY - Creative Commons Uznanie Autorstwa 4.0
4. Methodological information
All participants were recruited online, using random sampling by a professional company specializing in panel research, and completed questionnaires through the Qualtrics platform.
CSM - Composite Scale of Morningness
AntiMate - Anti-Mattering Scale in Polish adaptation
Matter - General Mattering Scale in Polish adaptation
GAD7_sum - Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7
PHQ9_sum - Patient Health Questionnaire–9