1. General information:
Title: Data for the manuscript entitled ”Would you rather live in the gray or pink building? Acceptance of colored façades of apartment blocks among architects and laypersons and their relationship to cultural capital”.
Principal Investigator: Mateusz Strzałkowski
Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Social Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Bojarskiego 1, 87-100, Toruń, Poland, m.strzalkowski@doktorant.umk.pl
Co-Investigator: Maria Lewicka, Institute of Psychology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Gagarina 39, 87-100, Toruń, Poland
Date of collection: study 1 - 2021-2022, study 2 - 2023
Information about geographic location of data collection: Poland
Keywords: pastelosis, cultural capital, architecture
Funding: Studies were financed by the research grant No. 2020/39/O/HSG/00082 provided by the National Science Center Poland.
2. Data and file overview
Both files contain the results of the studies (study 1 and its replication—study 2), in which we investigated the acceptance of different levels of pastelosis, examined whether the acceptance of pastelosis differs between laypersons and experts (people with training in architecture), and explored whether attitudes toward elevations differing in the level of pastelosis are related to cultural capital (institutional, material, and embodied).
Date that the files was created: August 2024
3. Sharing and access information
License: CC BY - Creative Commons Uznanie Autorstwa 4.0
4. Methodological information
The studies was conducted online using Qualtrics software. Participants were recruited through social media, e-mail invitations, and a research agency, with compensation provided in accordance with the research agency's guidelines.
5. Data-specific information
The variable names and labels, as well as the labels of values, have been translated into English. The vast majority of variables are quantitative in nature. Additionally, the studies collected data on participants' age, gender, education, and place of residence.
The abbreviations used in the variable names indicate:
Gray - facade with a gray color
Past - facade with pastelosis
Medium - facade with a medium level of pastelosis
Anti - facade with anti-pastelosis
Av - mean
Willingness_to_live_gray, Willingness_to_live_past, Willingness_to_live_anti, Willingness_to_live_medium - willingness to live in buildings with specific types of facades
Liking_gray, Liking_past, Liking_anti, Liking_medium - degree to which participants like buildings with specific types of facades
Accept_pastelosis_av, Accept_antipastelosis_av, Accept_medium_av - average level of acceptance for changes to specific facades based on Acceptance of the Place Change Scale.
Embodied_ - questions related to cultural activities associated with embodied cultural capital
Materialized_ - questions related to the number of cultural artifacts owned, associated with materialized cultural capital
Institutional_ - questions related to education, associated with institutional cultural capital
Specialist_ - question regarding whether the respondent has education related to architecture
Variables with "TEXT" in their names refer to the respondents' open-ended answers regarding the specified activity (in Polish).
More Data-specific information and methodological information in article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2024.102279