The data presented below is a part of the database of 1000 expressions containing the German preposition an (on, at). The database was taken from the metacorpora, i.e. the reference and newspaper corpora (free) of the DWDS, Digitales Wörterbuch der Deutschen Sprache (Digital Dictionary of the German Language). The sorting criterion was the criterion of randomness.
Access dates: 11.05.2020 und 20.11.2021.
The database was the basis for a cognitive-linguistic study aimed at establishing the senses of the German preposition an (on, at): Mazurkiewicz-Sokołowska, J. (2023 in print). Versuch einer Reaktivierung des semantischen Netzwerks als Werkzeug zur Ermittlung der kognitiven Mechanismen bei der Bedeutungsbildung am Beispiel der Präposition an. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik (LiLi)
Title in English: Attempt at reactivating the semantic network as a tool for determining the cognitive mechanisms in the formation of meaning: an exemplary analysis of the preposition an (on, at)
The data presented below includes expressions interpreted in course of the study as constituting the Contact Sense of the preposition. As the Contact Sense of an proved to be very heterogeneous the aim of the further investigation was to determine the subgroups of the Contact Sense of the preposition and to discuss the definition, scope and role of context in relation to the information actually creating the meaning.
The analyzed linguistic unit in each of the presented examples is in bold type.