The data consists of Facebook posts published on the official profiles of Members of European Parliament (MEPs) from seven Central European countries: Austria, Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.
The posts were gathered manually during periods important to the process of implementing the European Green Deal (EGD). The periods were:
1. December 2019 - January 2020 (the introduction of EGD)
2. June - July 2021 (the introduction of the Fit for 55 package)
3. June - July 2023 (the introduction of Nature Restoration Law [NRL])
4. February - March 2024 (the farmer protests related to NRL and the introduction of the building emissions directive)
The posts reflect the narratives on EGD (and European climate policy at large) made by different political groups from each country, balanced to include all MEPs' partisan affiliations.
Each tab of the spreadsheet contains a table with data from one of the seven countries. The tables contain:
- the link to the original Facebook post,
- the post's text content in original language,
- text content translated into English by professional translators,
- date of publication on Facebook,
- name of the author (MEP),
- the author's partisan affiliation.
The tables are not exhaustive. They do not contain every existing post published by MEPs on EGD. The number of posts gathered and translated was dictated by the amount of funding.
Priority was given to post which were clearly personal opinions given by the authors, not links to other media or comments to such links.
The data will be expanded in the future by other information or context for each post.