gaze fixation data from healthy participants observing faces with acne.
Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: data were collected as described in Methods section of Jankowski M, Goroncy A. Perceptive Hierarchy of Facial Skin Lesions: An Eye-tracking Study. Acta Derm Venereol. 2022 Oct 24;102:adv00799. doi: 10.2340/actadv.v102.2514.
Methods for processing the data: n/a
Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: not applicable
Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: 9 point gaze calibration
Environmental/experimental conditions: room temperature, fixed luminance
Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data:
People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Marek Jankowski, Agnieszka Goroncy Krzysztof Jasinski
Number of variables: 7
Number of cases/rows: 97853
Variable List:
Viewer ID, unique identification number of a study participant
Media, type of visual stimuli presented to participants. Stimuli consisted of faces as described in Methods section of Jankowski M, Goroncy A. Perceptive Hierarchy of Facial Skin Lesions: An Eye-tracking Study. Acta Derm Venereol. 2022 Oct 24;102:adv00799. doi: 10.2340/actadv.v102.2514.
media = 0 - unmodified, healthy face
media = A - face with skin lesions in nasal and frontal area
media = B - face with skin lesions in infraorbital and zygomatic area
media = C - face with skin lesions in labial and mental area
media = D - face with skin lesions in buccal and parotid-masseteric area
media = E - face with skin lesions in zygomatic, temporal and parotid-masseteric area
media = F - face with skin lesions in labial, mental, buccal and parotid-masseteric area
media = G - face with skin lesions in frontal, zygomatic, buccal, and parotid-masseteric area
media = H - face with skin lesions in infraorbital, zygomatic and frontal area
media = I - face with skin lesions in infraorbital, nasal and mental area
media = J - face with skin lesions in nasal area
media = K - face with skin lesions in infraorbital area
media = L - face with skin lesions in zygomatic area
media = M - face with skin lesions in temporal area
media = N - face with skin lesions in labial area
media = O - face with skin lesions in mental area
media = P - face with skin lesions in buccal area
media = Q - face with skin lesions in parotid-masseteric area
media = R - face with skin lesions in frontal area
TrailID, ordinary number of a fixation within scanpath of the respective obserwer
FixX, horizontal coordinate of fixation point (pixels) with upper left corner of the screen considered 0,0
FixY, vertical coordinate of fixation point (pixels) with upper left corner of the screen considered 0,0