This dataset contains the image data used for the publication titled " Evolution of the Growth Mode and Its Consequences during Bulk Crystallization of GaN". The following paragraphs contain: list of equipment used for data acquisition, abbreviations used in the article and the publication's abstract.
1) List of Equipment:
HVPE reactor
Nikon Eclipse LV100ND optical microscope
300 W UV-enhanced Xe lamp
Photoetching equipment
Tencore Alfa step profiler
2) Abbreviations:
GaN - Gallium nitride
HVPE - Halide Vapor Phase Epitaxy
Am-GaN - Ammonothermal GaN (i.e. GaN grown using ammonothermal method)
HVPE-GaN - Halide Vapor Phase Epitaxy GaN (GaN grown using the Halide Vapor Phase Epitaxy method)
XRT - X-ray topography
OM - Optical Microscope
VIS light - visible light
UV light - ultraviolet light
PE - Photoetching
KSO-D solution - Solution consisted of K2S2O8 and KOH chemical compounds
3) Abstract:
A detailed analysis of morphology of gallium nitride crystal growth obtained by ammonothermal and halide vapor phase epitaxy methods was carried out. The work was conducted to determine the source of triangular planar defects visible in X-ray topography as areas with locally different lattice parameters. It is shown that the occurrence of these defects is related to growth hillocks. Particular attention was paid to analyzing the manner and consequences of merging hillocks. In the course of the study, the nature of the mentioned defects and the cause of their formation were determined. It was established that the appearance of the defects depends on the angle formed between the steps located on the sides of two adjacent hillocks. A universal growth model is presented to explain the cause of heterogeneity during the merging of growth hillocks.