General information
- The file contains data from queries for the literature review.
-- OmekaS_bibliographic_data.csv
- Researcher
-- Dominik Mirosław Piotrowski,,, Nicolaus Copernicus University Library, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Toruń, Poland.
- The data were collected between July 5 and July 10, 2024.
- The data comes from queries in the Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts database (LISTA), the Nicolaus Copernicus University Library Catalogue, and the Scopus database.
- The data was made available on August 8, 2024.
- Keywords
-- Omeka S, digital humanities, open source, digital curation, semantic web, academic libraries, open education
Sharing and access information
- The data is available under a CC0 license.
Methodological information
- To collect and manage the data, the Zotero bibliographic manager was used.