Data for the publication "Microscopy with heralded Fock states"
Author of the dataset: Maria Gieysztor
Affiliation: Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicoulaus Copernicus University
The author of the dataset is the contact person for questions.
Related publication: Maria Gieysztor, Joshua Nepinak, Christopher J. Pugh, and Piotr Kolenderski, Microscopy with heralded Fock states, Optics Express, 31 (13), 20629-20640 (2023)
Year of the data collection: 2020
Methods: numerical simulations
Language: English
Funding information: the research was supported by HORIZON EUROPE Framework Programme (101070062); Brandon University; Narodowe Centrum Nauki (2019/35/N/ST2/03443)
Dataset overview: The dataset consists of 8 files prepared in the txt format.
"data1.txt": This set contains numerical data presented graphically in Fig. (a) in light-blue for correlations equal to 0 and the non-heralded scenario. Column 1: width of the signal photon before the MO [mm], column 2: width of the signal photon wavepacket after propagation through the whole optical setup [nm].
"data2.txt": This set contains numerical data presented graphically in Fig. (a) in dark-blue for correlations equal to 0 and the heralded scenario. Column 1: width of the signal photon before the MO [mm], column 2: width of the signal photon wavepacket after propagation through the whole optical setup [nm].
"data3.txt": This set contains numerical data presented graphically in Fig. (a) in light-gray for correlations equal to 0 and the non-heralded scenario. Column 1: width of the signal photon before the MO [mm], column 2: transmission of the signal photon through the MO.
"data4.txt": This set contains numerical data presented graphically in Fig. (a) in dark-gray for correlations equal to 0 and the heralded scenario. Column 1: width of the signal photon before the MO [mm], column 2: transmission of the signal photon through the MO.
"data5.txt": chis set contains numerical data presented graphically in Fig. (b) in light-blue for correlations equal to 0.9 and the non-heralded scenario. Column 1: width of the signal photon before the MO [mm], column 2: width of the signal photon wavepacket after propagation through the whole optical setup [nm].
"data6.txt": This set contains numerical data presented graphically in Fig. (b) in dark-blue for correlations equal to 0.9 and the heralded scenario. Column 1: width of the signal photon before the MO [mm], column 2: width of the signal photon wavepacket after propagation through the whole optical setup [nm].
"data7.txt": This set contains numerical data presented graphically in Fig. (b) in light-gray for correlations equal to 0.9 and the non-heralded scenario. Column 1: width of the signal photon before the MO [mm], column 2: transmission of the signal photon through the MO.
"data8.txt": This set contains numerical data presented graphically in Fig. (b) in dark-gray for correlations equal to 0.9 and the heralded scenario. Column 1: width of the signal photon before the MO [mm], column 2: transmission of the signal photon through the MO.