Raw data to article - New insights into posttranslational modifications of proteins during bull sperm capacitation
The purpose of the study was to the aim of this study was to clarify the regulation of capacitation, including the relationship of tyrosine phosphorylation with protein S-nitrosylation and S-glutathionylation. The second aim was to verify the role of PRDXs in PTM-based regulation of capacitation. To verify the PTMs that accompany bull sperm capacitation and the role of PRDXs in this process, non capacitated sperm (control), capacitated sperm and capacitated sperm with PRDXs inhibition were compared.
This dataset contains 4 directories:
1. The ‘Raw numerical data’ directory contains 7 files in .xlsx format:
• FITC-Phall
• Fluo3AM
• Nitric Oxide
• pTyr Cells
• S-glutathionylated Cells
• Viability
Each .xlsx file contains raw numerical data for a different parameter (as indicated in the file name). The numerical data is presented for eight individuals across three experimental conditions: Non-Cap, Cap-PRDX+, and Cap-PRDX-.
2. The ‘Gels’ directory contains 48 files in .jpg format. Twenty-four gels pertain to nitrosylation, and the other twenty-four relate to glutathionylation, for eight individuals across three experimental conditions: Non-Cap, Cap-PRDX+, and Cap-PRDX-. The gel image filenames also serve as the sample descriptions.
3. The ‘Western-Blot’ directory contains 24 files in .tif format. The gels pertain to Tyrosine Phosphorylation for eight individuals across three experimental conditions: Non-Cap, Cap-PRDX+, and Cap-PRDX-. The gel image filenames also serve as the sample descriptions.
4. The directory ‘Supplemetary Table’ contains 1 file in format .odt. The table contains proteomic data on identified bull sperm proteins.