The dataset includes data collected during the ATMO-ACCESS Trans-National Access project "Industrial Pollution Sensing with synergic techniques (IPOS TNA)" that has been conducted from June 8 to June 24, 2024 at the Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research (CESAR, 51°58'03''N, 4°55'47"E, 3 m.a.s.l.) of the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI). The IPOS TNA was supporting the 3rd Intercomparison Campaign of UV-VIS DOAS Instruments (CINDI-3).
The observations were taken with use of three instruments:
- ESA Mobile Raman Lidar (EMORAL). Lidar emits pulses at fixed wavelengths (355, 532 and 1064 nm), simultaneously with the pulse repetition rate of 10 Hz and pulse duration of 5-7 ns. The backward scattered laser pulses are detected at 5 Mie narrow-band channels (355p,s 532p,s and 1064 nm) and 3 Raman narrow-band channels (for N2 at 387, 607 nm and H2O at 408nm) as well as broad-band fluorescence channel (470 nm). The temporal resolution was set at 1 min and and spatial resolution to 3.75 m. The overlap between the laser beam and the full field of view of the telescope was at ~250 m a.g.l. EMORAL lidar is a state-of-the-art lidar system developed through a collaborative effort involving the University of Warsaw (UW, Poland; leader and operator), Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU, Germany), National Observatory of Athens (NOA, Greece), Poznan University of Life Sciences (PULS, Poland), and companies Raymetrics (Greece; core manufacturer), Licel (Germany), and InnoLas Laser (Germany). This complex instrument, part of ESA’s Opto-Electronics section (TEC-MME) at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESA-ESTEC, The Netherlands), is designed to perform precise atmospheric measurements. EMORAL lidar was validated by the ACTRIS Centre for Aerosol Remote Sensing (CARS) at the Măgurele Center for Atmosphere and Radiation Studies (MARS) of National Institute of R&D for Optoelectronics (INOE, Romania).
- PM counter GrayWolf PC-3500, GRAYWOLF Graywolf Sensing Solutions (USA) https://graywolfsensing.com/wp-content/pdf/GrayWolfPC-3500Brochure-818.pdf (last access 25/2/2025)
- Model 540 Microtops II® Sunphotometer, Solar Light Company, LLC (USA) https://www.solarlight.com/product/microtops-ii-sunphotometer (last access 25/2/2025)
The dataset contain following items:
1) EMORAL lidar data files
The data contain of two files LiLi_IPOS.zip and LiLi_IPOS_quicklooks.zip. Both are described in detail below.
The LiLi_IPOS.zip file is a folder that contains the high-resolution data obtained using the Lidar, Radar, Microwave radiometer algorithm (LiRaMi; more in Wang et al., 2020). The results were obtained only from the lidar data (referred to as Limited LiRaMi, i.e. LiLi algorithm version). The folder contains files in netcdf4 format for each day of observations. The data products are calculated from the analog channels only.
Each of the .nc file has a structure, which contains Variables:
- Location (string)
- Latitude (size: 1x1 [deg])
- Longitude (size: 1x1 [deg])
- Altitude (size: 1x1 [m a.g.l.])
- time vector (size: 1 x time, [UTC])
- range vector (size: range x 1, [m])
- RCS532p matrix (size: range x time, [V m2]), which contains the data of the range-corrected signal at 532nm, parallel polarization
- RCS532s matrix (size: range x time, [V m2]), which contains the data of the range-corrected signal at 532nm, perpendicular polarization
- RCS1064 matrix (size: range x time, [V m2]), which contains the data of the range-corrected signal at 1064nm
- SR532 matrix (size: range x time, [unitless]), which contains the data of the scattering ratio at 532nm
- ATT_BETA532 matrix (size: range x time, [m2/sr]), which contains the data of the attenuated backscatter coefficient at 532nm, parallel polarization
- C532 constant (size: 1x1, [V sr]), which is the instrumental factor for 532nm
- SR1064 matrix (size: range x time, [au]), which contains the data of the scattering ratio at 1064nm
- ATT_BETA1064 matrix (size: range x time, [m2/sr]), which contains the data of the attenuated backscatter coefficient at 1064nm
- C1064 constant (size: 1x1, [V sr]), which is the instrumental factor for 1064nm
- COLOR_RATIO matrix (size: range x time, [au]), which contains the data of color ratio of 532nm and 1064nm.
- PARTICLE_DEPOLARIZATIO_RATIO matrix (size: range x time, [au]), which contains the data of particle depolarization ratio at 532nm
- C constant (size: 1x1, [au]), which is the depolarization constant for 532nm.
The LiLi_IPOS_quicklooks.zip file contains high-resolution figures representing the data in the form of quicklooks of following parameters:
- Range-corrected signal at 1064nm
- Scattering ratio at 532nm
- Color ratio of 532 and 1064nm
- Particle depolarization ratio at 532nm
- Aerosol target classification from LiLi algorithm
Wang, D., Stachlewska, I. S., Delanoë, J., Ene, D., Song, X., and Schüttemeyer D., (2020). Spatio-temporal discrimination of molecular, aerosol and cloud scattering and polarization using a combination of a Raman lidar, Doppler cloud radar and microwave radiometer, Opt. Express 28, 20117-20134 (2020).
2) PM counter
The PM_counter.zip file contains a folder with data from measurements of atmospheric particulate matter collected using the GrayWolf PC-3500 particle counter from June 15 (16:16:21 CEST) to June 20 (07:06:21 CEST), 2024, at the CESAR station (51°58'04.0"N, 4°55'46.4"E). The data were processed using WolfSense PC software for validation and analysis. The final dataset, provided in XLSX format, includes temporal evaluation in particle concentration from 0.3 to 10.0 µm (6 size ranges). The data is divided into three levels:
[1] Level 0: Raw data in XLSX format with measurement data in 4 units (µg/m3, cnts/m3, cnts dif, cnts cum).
File structure:
- Line 1: headers describing columns,
- Line 2-6646: concentration of PM,
- Column 1: date and time in format DD-MMM-YY HH:MM:SS AM/PM,
- Column 2-7: concentration of specific PM values: 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 µm, respectively,
- Column 8: Temperature,
- Column 9: Carbon Dioxide (CO2),
- Column 10: Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC),
- Column 11: pressure in measuring chamber,
- Missing data (Column 8-10) represented as zero value (0).
[2] Level 1: Tables with validated data in 4 units (µg/m3, cnts/m3, cnts dif, cnts cum) in XLSX format.
File structure:
- Line 1: headers describing columns,
- Line 2-6646: concentration of PM,
- Column 1: date and time in format DD-MMM-YY HH:MM:SS AM/PM,
- Column 2-7: concentration of specific PM values: 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 µm, respectively,
- Column 8: pressure in measuring chamber,
- Column 9: assembly method, where: [1] measurement at a height of 60 cm during rain (instrument protected by the table), [2] measurement at a height of 160 cm when there is no rain.
[3] Level 2: Tables with post-processed data in XLSX format, and graphs in PNG format visualizing the received data.
XLSX file structure:
- PM counter - level 2 (daily average concentrations), PM counter - level 2 (hourly average concentrations) sheets: structure of columns same as in level 1.
- PM counter - level 2 (data comparison) sheet: Column 1 - Date in format DD.MM.YYYY; Column 2 - PM2.5 concentration measured within IPOS; Column 3 - PM10.0 concentration measured within IPOS; Column 4 - PM2.5 concentration measured at Cabauw-Wielsekade (RIVM), Column 5 - PM10.0 concentration measured Cabauw-Wielsekade (RIVM).
General information for all level files:
- Decimal separator: coma (,).
3) Sunphotometer
The MICROTOPS_IPOS.zip file is a folder that contains data from measurements of aerosol optical thickness at wavelengths 380, 500, 675, 870, and 1020 nm done with Microtops II hand-held sunphotometer. The final, quality assured dataset, provided in XLSX format, consists of measurement data for: temperature, pressure, solar zenith angle, signal strength at different wavelengths (340, 380, 500, 936, 1020 nm), standard deviation at specific wavelengths, ratio between signals at two different wavelengths (340/380, 380/500, 500/936, 936/1020), and atmospheric optical thickness at different wavelengths.
During the IPOS TNA campaign, in total 29 measurements were taken. Each measurement is composed of 6 scans, whereas the first one is a dark scan. The days when a measurement took place were: 13, 23, 24, and 25 of June 2024. Level 0 of data means raw data converted from dbf to xslx format file. Level 1 of data mean raw data converted from dbf to xslx file format, without the dark scans.
Files structure:
- Line 1: Headers describing columns,
- Column 1: Serial number of the instrument
- Column 2-3: Date and Time in format YYYY-MM-DD; HH:MM:SS,
- Column 4-8: Data desciprtion of the camapign; Location (decimal); Latitude; Longitude (decimal), Altitude
- Column 9-14: Atmospheric Pressure; Solar Zenith Angle; Air Mass; Standard Deviation Correction; Temperature; ID of the measurement,
- Column 15-24: Signal strength at specific wavelength and Standard Deviation,
- Column 25-28: Ratio between signals at two different wavelengths,
- Column 29-33: Atmospheric Optical Thickness,
- Column 34-39: Columnar Water Vapour and Natural Logarithm of Voltage,
- Column 40-47: Calibration coefficients,
- Column 48-49: Pressure offset and Pressure scale factor,
- READ ME sheet: Describing the file content and measurement location.
4) readme file
We offer a free access to this dataset. The user is however encouraged to share the information on the data use by sending an e-mail to rslab@fuw.edu.pl
In the case this dataset is used for a scientific communication (publication, conference contribution, thesis) we would like to kindly ask for considering to acknowledge data provision by citing this dataset.
PI of IPOS TNA Iwona Stachlewska and IPOS team members Maciej Karasewicz, Anna Abramowicz, Kinga Wiśniewska, Zuzanna Rykowska, and Afwan Hafiz acknowledge that the published dataset was prepared within the Trans-National Access grant (IPOS TNA no. ATMO-TNA-7-0000000056) within the ATMO-ACCESS grant financed by European Commission Horizon 2020 program (G.A. no.101008004).
PI of POLIMOS Iwona Stachlewska acknowledges that the EMORAL lidar was developed to the present state within the POLIMOS project funded by the European Space Agency (Contract no. 4000119961/16/NL/FF/mg).