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Dzierżyńska, Maria, 2023, "Novel elastin-based release system for active peptides - digestion data", https://doi.org/10.18150/TJITTN, RepOD, V1
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This data set is connected to NCN grant no 2022/06/X/ST4/01428 "Novel elastin-based release system for active peptides". The purpose of this study was to create a release system based on elastin peptides. The the project a molecule was created that organizes its structure at elevated temperature while releasing sequence into the environment by MMP-7 clevage. The polymer was proven not to be cytotoxic and has pro-proliferating properties on keratinocytes and fibroblast cell lines.
The dataset HPLC data from Shimadzu Nexera and LCMS (using LabSolutions for HPLC and LC-MS software of the digested peptides saved in .pdf format.
The Readme file (.txt) includes the information about the equipment used in the experiment.
elastin, controlled release, peptides
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