The deposited data were collected as part of the research project entitled ‘The deposited data were collected as part of the research project entitled 'Changes of O-acetylation degree of non-cellulosic polysaccharides during fruit development and ripening and its influence on mechanical properties and microstructure of plant tissue’ (org. PL title: ‘Zmiany stopnia acetylacji niecelulozowych polisacharydów podczas rozwoju i dojrzewania owoców i ich wpływ na właściwości mechaniczne i mikrostrukturę tkanki roślinnej’), financed by the National Science Centre, Poland as part of the project under the PRELUDIUM BIS 2 (project no: 2020/39/O/NZ9/00241).
This project aims to evaluate how the acetylation degree of matrix polysaccharides changes during fruit development and on-tree ripening. The secondary aim is to find how the degree of acetylation influences the ability of matrix polysaccharides to bind to cellulose microfibrils and, in a result, how it alters the mechanical properties and microstructure of plant tissue. The main hypothesis is that the higher degree of acetylation prevents matrix polysaccharides from interacting with cellulose microfibrils and therefore integrity of plant cell walls and tissue decreases.
The research was conducted in the period from 1st October 2021 to 1st March 2024 at the Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Lublin (Poland). The collection contains the results of studies on the monosaccharide composition of the plant cell wall fractions at various stages of the ripening process of apples. Two cultivars with distinct firmness behavior were chosen.
The dataset consists of the following files:
PP_1 - raw data on the firmness of apples in different stages – testing machine (.xlsx);
PP_2 - raw data on the monosaccharide composition - HPLC (.xlsx);
PP_3 - raw data on the determination of acetylation degree - HPLC (.xlsx);
PP_4 - raw data on the determination of methylation degree - HPLC (.xlsx);
PP_5 - raw data on the PCA scores of monosaccharides principal component analysis - Unscrambler (unsb,.xlsx);
PP_6 - raw data on the PCA loadings of monosaccharides principal component analysis - Unscrambler (.unsb,.xlsx);
PP_7 - raw data on the PCA scores of monosaccharide ratios principal component analysis - Unscrambler (.unsb,.xlsx);
PP_8 - raw data on the PCA loadings of monosaccharide ratios principal component analysis - Unscrambler (.unsb, .xlsx);
PP_9 - raw data on the correlation of monosaccharide composition and firmness - Statistica (.stw, .xlsx).