### results_direct(marine) and indirect(else)_mPLN.csv
- The text presents direct, indirect and induced impact of the marine sector on the wider economy in terms of global output. The attached tables present these categories.
- The file “results_direct(marine) and indirect(else)_mPLN.csv” presents direct effects in columns B-Q (marine sectors) and indirect effects in the remaining columns (other sectors, i.e. standard sectors net of the marine economy). Individual rows break down the effects into 16 voivodships.
- The file “results_induced.csv” presents induced effects for non-marine sectors, in an analogous layout.
- The analogous files with “Gx and Zx” in the filenames present the results in which only the part of the marine sector prevalent in two voivodships: Pomorskie and Zachodniopomorskie is taken into account as an impulse (direct effect). The indirect and induced effects are presented in the same fashion as before, but correspond to a different impulse.
### Shift-share_outputs.xlsx
The XLS file "Shift-share_outputs" presents the shift-share decomposition of the blue growth in the BSR countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden) for the period 2009-2018 and two subperiods, i.e. 2009-2013 and 2013-2018.
### INPUT-OUTPUT matrix for the maritime sectors in Polish economy in 2015
The INPUT-OUTPUT matrix for the maritime sectors is presented as a section (a fragment) of the full
matrix for the entire national economy estimated by the Polish Central Statistical Office ("Input -
output table at basic prices in 2015": https://stat.gov.pl/en/topics/national-accounts /annual-
The presented values were determined for 2015 and are expressed in thousands of PLN at base
prices (current prices).
The 16 maritime sectors were separated from 77 economic sectors included in the INPUT-OUTPUT
matrix for the entire economy.
The INPUTS sheet contains data on the maritime sectors' use of products produced in other sectors.
The OUTPUTS sheet contains data on the production of maritime sectors consumed by other sectors.
### Marine_Spatial_Rent_Offshore_Wind_Farms.xlsx
Spatial rent as a tool for effective management of marine space planning for offshore wind energy development on the example of Polish offshore wind farms
Funding: by the Polish National Science Centre, grant: 2018/31/B/HS4/03890, "Multiplier effects of maritime space".