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Zientara, Piotr; Jażdżewska-Gutta, Magdalena; Monika, Bąk, 2025, "Tourist Perceptions of Crowding and Satisfaction (2023)", https://doi.org/10.18150/MYTN8O, RepOD, V1
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The data for this study were collected in the summer of 2023 in three European capitals: London, Paris, and Rome. The data collection process was based on the Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) method, which involves computer-assisted direct interviews. Surveys were conducted in key tourist locations in each city to obtain a representative sample of tourists. A total of 1,859 respondents participated in the study, with half being domestic tourists and the other half international tourists. The questionnaire was prepared in English and translated into four other languages. It was then verified by members of the research team and native speakers to ensure maximum clarity and comprehensibility of the statements. The choice of the CAPI technique enabled the collection of high-quality data by increasing the response rate, minimizing errors resulting from misinterpretation of questions, and eliminating missing responses. The collected data covered a wide range of variables, including perception of crowding in tourist spaces, destination attractiveness, travel satisfaction, and tourist loyalty. Additionally, various forms of mobility were considered, such as public transport, active mobility (walking, cycling), and micromobility. The data were subjected to statistical analysis using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) and multi-group analysis, allowing for the identification of key factors influencing tourists' perceptions in different urban conditions.
tourist satisfaction, tourist mobility, crowding, overtourism
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