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Merkel, Katarzyna; Arakawa, Yuki; Kocot, Antoni, 2023, "Dataset from the analysis of dielectric study for liquid crystal dimers based on thioether cyanobiphenyl (CBS5SCB, CBS7SCB and CBS5OCB, CBS7OCB) that form nematic twist-bend phase.", https://doi.org/10.18150/MPHGUX, RepOD, V1
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This dataset contains raw data from the analyses published in the article entitled „Dielectric Study of Liquid Crystal Dimers: Probing the Orientational Order and Molecular Interactions in Nematic and Twist-Bend Nematic Phases” in Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2023, 127, 7082−7090. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.3c03496 The data include the raw dielectric spectra for symmetric (CBS5SCB, CBS7SCB) and asymmetric (CBS5OCB, CBS7OCB) dimers as a function of temperature and frequencies of the measuring field (frequencies from 10 to 2× 10 9 Hz). The files from dielectric measurements are in a file with the extension data. The individual file denotes the measurement at a particular temperature, the first column contains the frequencies, the second the real permittivity, and the third the imaginary permittivity. Temperatures in kelvins are given in the header of the first column.
dielectric spectroscopy, intermolecular interactions, liquid crystal dimers, twist–bend phase, parameter orders
Antoni Kocot, Małgorzata Czarnecka, Yuki Arakawa, and Katarzyna Merkel (2023). Dielectric Study of Liquid Crystal Dimers: Probing the Orientational Order and Molecular Interactions in Nematic and Twist-Bend Nematic Phases, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2023 127 (31), 7082-7090 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.3c03496 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.3c03496 doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.3c03496
CC0 Creative Commons Zero 1.0
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