This dataset contains files used to generate figures presented in the manuscript "Mid-infrared generation via Raman soliton self-frequency shift in fluoride fibers: a comparative study".
Authors of the paper: Olga Szewczyk, Karolina Suliga, Jarosław Sotor, Maciej Kowalczyk
The authors acknowledge funding from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (BPN/PPO/2022/1/00028/U/00001), National Science Centre (2023/02/1/ST7/00006; 2022/45/N/ST7/03175), Max Planck Society (Max Planck Partner Group Programme), and Foundation for Polish Science (FENG.02.02-IP.05-0069/23).
Figure 2 presents the dispersion data of the investigated fluoride fibers F1 - F6.
Figure 3 presents the optical spectra of the oscillator and the frequency-shifted optical solitons generated in the fluoride fibers F1 to F6.
Figure 4 (Fig4a and Fig4b) presents the experimental (a) and simulated (b) optical spectra of the solitons generated in the fluoride fiber for different pumping powers. Figure (a) also contains attenuation curve for the ZBLAN fiber.
Figure 5 presents the results of simulated soliton generation for the simulated increasing average powers of the pumping oscillator.
Figure 6 presents the results of relative intensity noise measured for the 4 μm optical soliton and noise floor, and integrated relative intensity noise calculated also for the soliton and the noise floor.