This dataset is used in the manuscript: The effects of ten hyperbaric oxygen treatments on body composition and physical capacity in young healthy men.
The file includes data from fifty-four healthy, non-smoking men between 20 and 35 years old. There were two intervention groups (divided according to the frequency of received treatment): frequent users (FGR; 6 times a week; n=20), rare users (SGR; 3 times a week; n=19), and the control group (CG; n=15).
The dataset covers DXA measurements and results from Cardiopulmonary Exercise Tests performed before and after the intervention (terms 1 and 2).
DXA: height (H), body mass (BM), fat mass (FM), lean body mass (LBM), body mass index (BMI), relative skeletal muscle mass index (RSMI).
CPET: energy expenditure (EE), distance covered (S), running speed (V), and oxygen consumption (VO2) measured at certain time points: VT1 – at first ventilatory threshold; RCP – at respiratory exchange point; max – at maximal oxygen consumption; end – at the highest absolute value achieved during CPET.