The dataset comprises high-level data products obtained from measurements of the multiwavelength aerosol polarization Raman lidar (PollyXT-UW) during the period of 2013 – 2020 in Warsaw, Poland. It contains the set of mean optical properties (with associated uncertainties) of aerosol particles in 62 layers identified for 31 cases of observed biomass burning aerosols advection over Warsaw. The properties are divided into four groups according to the area of the aerosol origin (Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, and Iberian Peninsula).
The BBA_optical_properties_Warsaw_2013-2020 is an ASCII-format datafile that contains:
- the date and time of measurement (in UTC),
- the aerosol layer height - bottom and top (in km),
- the layer thickness (in km),
- the particle backscattering coefficient β (at 355, 532, 1064 nm; in Mm-1sr-1),
- the particle extinction coefficient α (at 355, 532 nm; in Mm-1),
- the volume linear depolarization ratio δv (at 355, 532 nm; in %),
- the particle linear depolarization ratio δp (at 355, 532 nm; in %),
- the relative humidity RH (in %),
- the water vapour mixing ratio wv (in g/kg),
- the lidar ratio LR (at 355, 532 nm; in sr),
- the extinction-related Ångström exponent AE355/532 (unitless),
- the backscatter-related Ångström exponent AB355/532 (unitless) and AB532/1064 (unitless),
- the color ratio of lidar ratios CRLR532/355 (unitless),
- the aerosol optical depth AOD (at 355, 532 nm; unitless).
The listed above properties were obtained form the sets of the PollyXT-UW lidar profiles of optical properties, which were obtained by the means of the classical Raman approach for deriving α and β (as in Janicka et al. 2016) and for wv and RH (as in Stachlewska et al. 2017). Profiles were calibrated with the coexisting radiosounding data from the WMO12374 station in Legionowo. The linear depolarization profiles δv and δp were calibrated with the ±45 degree method (as in Baars et al. 2016). The PollyXT-UW lidar is described in detail in Engelmann et al. 2016. The lidar profiles in which the 62 biomass burning aerosol layers were identified were smoothed with a moving average with a dynamic smoothing window (50 – 750 m) depending on the profile quality due to signal-to-noise ratio, the optical depth of the aerosol layer, and the altitude of the layer suspension. The PollyXT-UW lidar measurements in Warsaw take observations within the PollyNET and EARLINET lidar networks. They are compliant with rigorous AQ&AC applied within the Aerosol, Cloud and Trace-gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS).
Janicka et al. 2017 doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.09.022
Stachlewska et al. 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.05.004
Baars et al. 2016, doi: 10.5194/acp-16-5111-2016
Engelmann et al. 2016, doi:10.5194/amt-9-1767-2016
We offer a free access to this dataset. The user is however encouraged to share the information on the data use with the Remote Sensing Laboratory by sending an e-mail to
In the case this dataset is used for a scientific communication (publication, conference contribution, thesis) we would kindly ask to acknowledge this data provision by adding the following statement in Acknowledgments: "We acknowledge the data originators L.Janicka and I.S.Stachlewska for the quality-assurance, evaluation, and provision of data sets of the Remote Sensing Laboratory at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw, Poland."