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Paczesny, Jan; Wolska-Pietkiewicz, Małgorzata; Binkiewicz, Ilona; Richter, Łukasz, 2024, "Langmuir and Langmuir Blodgett films of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanocrystals coated with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS)", https://doi.org/10.18150/FESZLL, RepOD, V1
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Fig. 2. A) Normalized photoluminescence spectra of as-synthesized POSS@ZnO NCs. Inset shows a picture taken in the UV light (POSS1@ZnO NCs to POSS3@ZnO NCs from left to right). B) comparison of DTG curves of studied pro-ligands and respective POSS@ZnO NCs.
Fig. 3. A) Compression isotherms with CCSA area versus spread volume (inset), and B) surface potential, C), isotherms recalculated to nm2 per single ZnO NCs according to the geometrical model (assuming the diameter of ZnO NCs 3.5 nm and yield of synthesis 100%), D) static elasticity modulus, E) BAM pictures at surface pressures of around 0.5 mN/m, 14 mN/m (POSS1@ZnO NCs), 0.2 mN/m, 27 mN/m (POSS2@ZnO NCs), and 20 mN/m, 34 mN/m (POSS3@ZnO NCs). Scale bars correspond to 1 mm.
Fig. 4. The increase of fluorescence intensity (505 nm) is due to compression and the increase in the surface concentration of POSS1@ZnO NCs. Changes in surface area per NC are provided as a reference.
Fig. 5. X-ray reflectivity patterns for POSS@ZnO and POSS-H [33] and atomic force microscopy pictures of POSS@ZnO films. All films were transferred from the air/water interface onto a solid substrate according to the Langmuir-Blodgett method.
ZnO, POSS, Langmuir-Blodgett films, Self-assembly, Interdigitation, Ligands, Hybrid nanomaterials, Thin films
Langmuir and Langmuir Blodgett films of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanocrystals coated with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) Jan Paczesny, Małgorzata Wolska-Pietkiewicz, Ilona Binkiewicz, Marta Janczuk-Richter Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 600 (2021) 784–793 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2021.05.085 doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2021.05.085
CC BY - Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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