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Kozakiewicz, Paweł, 2024, "DendroSpec - Spectroscopic Methods for Rapid Phenotyping of Trees Reflecting their Ecological Resilience", https://doi.org/10.18150/ECBR3D, RepOD, V1
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The overall objective of the DENDRO-SPEC project is to generate new knowledge allowing better understanding the effect of genetic variation in tree populations combined with stand conditions, silvicultural practices and local microclimate on mechanisms of xylogenesis and, consequently, characteristics of generated wood. For that reason, an innovative measurement protocol and original hardware set-up optimal for routine assessment of the wide range of wood properties will be developed. The prototype scanning system will integrate state-of-the-art near infrared spectroscopic technologies with cutting-edge data mining solutions. It will allow mapping a wide range of wood characteristics, considering the natural variability at the scale of a single tree, forest plot, or even overall population. Research will be conducted on a unique sample set of Scots pine wood available due to the proceeding fifty-year in-field project experiment. It is expected that DENDRO-SPEC methodology will demonstrate its highest suitability toward fast, non-destructive and complete characterization of wood. Therefore, it will be adopted as a new standard in several ongoing national research initiatives covering numerous trial seed plantations in Poland and Slovenia, not to mention other locations worldwide. Consequently, the spectroscopic system will allow detailed characterization of several thousand planted trees distributed around the country within seed collection stations, mother forests or experimental fields.
DENDRO-SPEC is a financed by the National Science Center and ARRS (Slovenian Research Agency – No N4-0274).
Forestry, Biomas production, Plant genetics, Wood, Mechanical properies, Spectroscopy
Henryk Szeligowski, Włodzimierz Buraczyk, Agata Konecka, Marcin Studnicki, Stanisław Drozdowski: A multi‑trait assessment of selected provenances of Scots pine following 50 years of growth on a provenance experiment in Central Poland, in the light of climate change. European Journal of Forest Research (2023) 142:509–520 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10342-023-01538-z doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-023-01538-z
CC0 Creative Commons Zero 1.0
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