The following files include data presented in the manuscript “Multiphoton microscopy at a microwatt level via gain-managed nonlinear amplification and pulse picking,” written by Katarzyna Kunio, Grzegorz Soboń, and Jakub Bogusławski.
Fig. 2a – Characterization of the pulse: optical spectrum at the output of the oscillator and at the output of the bandpass filter
Fig. 2b – Characterization of the pulse: autocorrelation with the Gaussian fit at the output of the oscillator
Fig. 2c – Characterization of the pulse: autocorrelation with the Gaussian fit at the output of the bandpass filter
Fig. 3a – Characterization of the pulse after amplification and compression at different values of the pump power: optical spectra
Fig. 3b – Characterization of the pulse after amplification and compression at different values of the pump power: FROG-retrieved temporal intensity with temporal phase
Fig. 4a – Characterization of the pulse at the pump power of 2.26 W: optical spectrum
Fig. 4b – Characterization of the pulse at the pump power of 2.26 W: FROG-retrieved temporal intensity with temporal phase
Fig. 4b (inset) – FROG spectrograms: measured and retrieved
Fig. 5a – Analysis of the influence of lowering both the repetition frequency and average power at the sample on TPE microscopy: (a) TPE fluorescence images of convallaria majalis obtained by gradually decreasing the repetition frequency while simultaneously decreasing the average power at the sample. Scale bars: 80 µm.
Fig. 5b – Change in the SNR depending on the repetition frequency as a function of number of averaged frames
Fig. 6 – SHG microscopy images of urea microcrystals obtained by gradually decreasing the repetition frequency while simultaneously decreasing the average power at the sample. Scale bars: 80 µm.
Fig. 7a – Comparison of pixel intensities in the images obtained at the same values of the mean signal and different values of the repetition frequency measured in row 250 of images depicting convallaria majalis. Scale bars: 80 µm
Fig. 7b – Comparison of pixel intensities in the images obtained at the same values of the mean signal and different values of the repetition frequency measured in row 110 of images depicting urea microcrystals. Scale bars: 80 µm
Fig. 7c – Oscilloscope traces of the detector response measured while imaging urea microcrystals at different repetition frequencies
Fig. 8a – Spectral phasor-based 3PEF imaging of epidermal cells without staining: transmission spectra of sine and cosine filters
Fig. 8b – Spectral phasor-based 3PEF imaging of epidermal cells without staining: epidermal cell images obtained without an additional filter in front of the PMT (INT), with cosine (COS), and with sine (SIN) filters. Scale bars: 200 µm.
Fig. 8c – Spectral phasor-based 3PEF imaging of epidermal cells without staining: spectral phasor plot
Fig. 8d – Spectral phasor-based 3PEF imaging of epidermal cells without staining: spectral phasor-based color-coded image of epidermal cells. Scale bars: 200 µm.