The dataset consists of behavioral observations and chemical analysis results related to the effects of essential oils on Pardosa spiders. It is structured across 16 tabs, each containing different types of information relevant to the study.
The Collection Data tab documents the collection of Pardosa spiders used in the experiment. It includes the collection date and time, the number of spiders collected per session, environmental conditions (air temperature and humidity), and the geographical coordinates of the collection sites.
The Essential Oils (EO) tab details the tested essential oils. Each essential oil was assigned a letter code to prevent bias during the experiment. Additionally, sulcatone was tested as a spider sex pheromone but was excluded from the final analysis.
The Behavioral Test Data (TEST) tab contains observations from the binary-choice test. It includes the experiment date and time, the camera number assigned to record the test, and the unique identifier of each spider. The species of each spider was determined after the experiment. Biological data such as the spider’s sex and the presence of a cocoon are also recorded. The dataset specifies which essential oil was used, which side of the Petri dish was treated (left or right, assigned randomly), and environmental conditions such as air temperature and humidity during the experiment.
The Individual Essential Oil Results (A–K) tabs contain behavioral responses for each tested essential oil. Each tab includes the spider ID, species, sex, and cocoon presence. The dataset also records the number of images in which the spider was on the left or right side of the Petri dish, as well as the number of images in which it was on the essential oil-treated side versus the control (acetone) side.
The GC-MS Analysis tab provides the chemical composition of the essential oils used in the experiment. It includes retention time (RT), the identified chemical compounds, and the Kovats Index (KI) values for compound identification.
This dataset provides structured information on spider behavior in response to essential oils and their chemical composition, offering insights into potential plant-based spider repellents.