The main goal of this project is elucidation and description of mechanisms of decreased survival (in the first and second generations), and decreased DNA stability (in subsequent generations) after constant exposure of cricket cohorts (Acheta domesticus -model organism) to sublethal amounts of GO in their food, and also evaluation of physiological and biochemical symptoms of adjustment to such stressful condition.
The partgoals of this project are to check and describe:
1. connections between exposure of A. domesticus to GO and composition of gut microbiota and, in turn, their physiology (growth, reproduction and general fitness);
2. microbiomes composition in GO-exposed crickets in relation to strain and generation;
3. microbiome metabolic profiles in GO-exposed crick -dependent scheme;
4. energy budget indices in both strains of GO-exposed crickets in relation to exposure time; digestive enzymes activity;
5. general cell state in GO-exposed crickets in relation to strain and exposure time;
6. effects of GO on telomere length, telomerase activity, DNA methylation and DNA damage and repair level in successive generations of two house cricket strains